It has been a great week of running! I did most of my running workouts and even some cross training! I ran with the local running group again and had a great run. I'm pretty happy with how the week turned out.
Monday 1/4 - 4 miles
Tuesday 1/5 - 40 minute tempo run
Wednesday 1/6 - T25 Beta Rip't Circuit
Thursday 1/7 - 3 miles
Friday 1/8 - Core workout with the BOSU and a mile at the track while 6 year old had soccer
Saturday 1/9 - 10 miles with the local running group
Sunday 1/10 - 4.5 miles with a new running friend
I have even kept up with my daily #plankaday. I'm hoping to continue at least a minute each day.
I mentioned last week that I'm a Represent Running Ambassador. The first race is about 7 weeks away in March, the San Jose 408K Race to the Row.
For those interested I've got a discount code for 10% off Registration. Just use code: Represent2016SH. There is even a virtual option. I'm looking forward to running for the first time in San Jose. Hope you can join me or if not at the race, virtually!
The weekend was good. It started out with my 10 miler with the local running group (Golden Valley Harriers). It was a good run and I met more runners that I had not met last week. It is so cool to hear some of their stories while running. 

The rest of the morning consisted of watching the kiddos first basketball games. They both did great. It is so fun to watch them play!
Later in the evening we had a fun dinner with another one of Hubby's colleagues.
On Sunday, I ran with a new running friend. I got a text from her the night before and was not planning on running because of the 10 miler I had just done but couldn't resist. It turned out to be a great run! We ran at a pretty good pace and still talked most of the time. I love those runs when you don't really realize you are going fast until you look at your Garmin stats afterwards. I'm looking forward to more runs with her because she is fast. I'm hoping it will help make me a faster runner!
The rest of the day was spent relaxing and of course had to get another game of Monopoly in with the kiddos. We did get outside and played some soccer and basketball at the park.
That sums up my week! Linking this post up with HoHo Runs and MissSippiPiddlin for their Weekly Wrap.
Have a great week!
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