Last week went pretty good. Another week of some good runs without any sort of plan and the Runner's World run streak is going well. Streaking hasn't been a struggle for me yet so I am happy about that. It is crazy that it is already December. I ended November with 112 miles.
Monday 11/28 - 1.2 miles for day 5 of #rwrunstreak.
Tuesday 11/29 - 5 miles for day 6 of #rwrunstreak.
Wednesday 11/30 - 5K for the Rock'n'Roll Winter Wonderland Virtual Run and day 7 of #rwrunstreak.
Thursday 12/1 - 1 mile for day 8 of #rwrunstreak.
I also got in a good strength/core workout after my run.
Friday 12/2 - 1.5 miles for day 9 of #rwrunstreak.Saturday 12/3 - 8.5 mile long run for day 10 of #rwrunstreak.
Sunday 12/4 - 1.26 miles for day 11 of #rwrunstreak.
A highlight of the week was going to the candle parade and tree lighting in downtown Davis. It was our first time and it seems like it would be a fun tradition to do each year. It starts out with a us walking in a parade with candles to the tree lighting.
Another highlight of the week was supporting my friend Lenora run her first full marathon, the California International Marathon (CIM). On Friday we went to the expo and it was kind of strange going and not picking up my own bib, but it was still fun and I did get a great deal for one of the local races for next year (Urban Cow Half marathon).
Sunday was the marathon and it was so fun spectating! I went with my friend Elizabeth and we had our signs and cowbells. We had so much fun cheering on the runners!
I'm so proud of Lenora! She did awesome running her first full marathon. It was so inspiring watching all of the runners that I am considering CIM for next year. :)

After the race as we were walking back to the car, I happened to see Tina Muir right behind us. We had just seen her on the podium since she got 5th place so it was so cool to see her. I said hi and told her congratulations on her race. She was so nice and even let me get a pic with her. It was an awesome way to end our spectating experience!
That pretty sums up my week. Linking this post up with HoHo Runs and MissSippiPiddlin for their Weekly Wrap. 
Have a great week!
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